Create SwissQR

The Swiss QR-bill is the new digital standard defined for payments in Switzerland. From June 2020 the bills can be created with a Swiss QR code to accelerate digital payment transactions. Create Swiss QR Bills using all compliance standards using this action. Create compliant Swiss QR with PDF4me action and Make.


FileBuffer, Required

Map the file in which Swiss QR needs to be added from the source action

AmountString, Required

The amount needs to be entered without leading zeroes

AV1 ParametersString, Required

Alternative scheme parameter

AV2 ParameterString, Required

Alternative scheme parameter


Billing info of the customer

Creditor AddressTypeString, Required

Type of the Creditor’s address

Creditor CityString

The Creditor’s Town/City with max 35 characters

Creditor NameString, Required

The Creditor’s name or company according to the account name

Creditor PostalCodeString

The Creditor’s postal code with a max of 16 characters

Creditor AddressLine1String

The creditor’s address line with max 70 characters

Creditor AddressLine2String

The creditor’s address line - For S type 16 characters and for K type 70 characters

CurrencyOptions, Required

Currency type

File NameString, Required

Name of the file to be created

IBANString, Required

IBAN or IBAN of the creditor

Language TypeOptions, Required

Bill language type

ReferenceString, Required

Reference, maximum 27 characters

Reference TypeOptions, Required

Reference Type

Seperator LineOptions, Required

Separator in QR Bill

Ultimate Debtor AddressTypeOptions, Required

Debtor’s address type

Ultimate Debtor CityString, Required

Debtor’s Town/City

Ultimate Debtor NameString, Required

Debtor’s name or company according to the account name

Ultimate Debtor Postal CodeString, Required

Debtor’s postal code

Ultimate Debtor AddressLine1String, Required

Debtor’s address line with max 70 characters

Ultimate Debtor AddressLine2String

Debtor’s address line - For S type 16 characters and for K type 70 characters

Unstructured MessageString, Required

Unstructured Message, maximum 140 characters permitted



The name of the output file.

Doc DataBuffer

The output PDF file.

Create Swiss QR module in Make