Generate Documents
Dynamically Generate documents using the PDF4me Generate Documents action for Make . Use Word or HTML templates using mustache syntax or merge fields as the source. The data sources can be JSON or XML.

- File NameString, Required
The name of the PDF file
- DocumentBuffer, Required
Word/Html template for generating documents
- Template TypeEnum, Required
- Word
- Html
- Output TypeEnum, Required
Generated document type
- Word
- Excel
- Input Data TypeEnum, Required
Data type of the template data
- Json
- Xml
- Input DataString, Required
JSON / Xml data
- Meta DataString (Optional)
JSON string User can specify fields that need some format.
Eg: Date
{ “FieldsMetaData”:[{“FieldName”:“dueDate”,“FieldType”:2,“FieldFormat”:“yyyyMMdd”}] }
Here FiledType is an enum having the below values
CheckBox = 0,
Html = 1,
DateTime = 2
- NameString
The name of the output file
- Doc DataBuffer
Generated document