Add Text Stamp to PDF

Connector ID: TextStamp

Text watermark is a method adopted to establish authorization and prevention of information piracy. In PDF4me, this is possible, with horizontal or vertical alignment based on the need of the user.

Add Text Watermark to PDF action in Power Automate


File NameString, Required

Source file name with proper file extension

File ContentBase64, Required

Map source PDF file content from the previous action

PagesString, Required

Pages where watermark/stamp need to be applied. Possible values are including numbers ( 1,2,3 etc) or text (first, last and all).

TextString, Required

Text to be stamped

Vertical AlignmentEnum, Required

Vertical alignment of text stamp. The allowed values are

  • Top - top edge of the page
  • Middle - equal distance from top and bottom edge of the page
  • Bottom - bottom edge of the page
Horizontal AlignmentEnum, Required

Horizontal alignment of text stamp. The allowed values are

  • Left - left edge of the page
  • Center - equal distance from left and right edge of the page
  • Right - right edge of the page
Horizontal Margin in mmNumber, Required
Default: 0

Set the horizontal margin from the left end of the page in millimeter

Vertical Margin in mmNumber, Required
Default: 0

Set the vertical margin from the top of the page in millimeter

Font SizeNumber, Required
Default: 12

The font size of the text in the watermark

Set BoldBoolean, Required
Default: No

Set the text in Bold

Set ItalicsBoolean, Required
Default: No

Set the text in Italics

Set UnderlineBoolean, Required
Default: No

Underline the text of the Watermark

OpacityNumber, Required
Default: 100

Set the opacity for the watermark. ‘0’ for fully transparent and ‘100’ for fully opaque


File ContentBinary

Output file content from PDF4me action

File NameString

Output file name from PDF4me action


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