Add Image Stamp to PDF

Connector ID: ImageStamp

Watermarks with images are possible these days to warn the users from using the document content without permission. Like text stamps used in PDF4me, this type of watermarks also can be aligned vertically or horizontally.

Add Image Stamp to PDF


Align HorizontalEnum, Required

Horizontal alignment of image. The allowed values are

  • Left - left edge of the page
  • Center - equal distance from left and right edge of the page
  • Right - right edge of the page
Align VerticalEnum, Required

Vertical alignment of image. The allowed values are

  • Top - top edge of the page
  • Middle - equal distance from top and bottom edge of the page
  • Bottom - bottom edge of the page
PDF File ContentBase64, Required

Map source PDF file content from the previous action

File NameString, Required

Source file name with proper file extension

Image File ContentBase64, Required

Map stamp image content from source action

Image File NameString, Required

The image file name with proper extension - .png or .jpeg

Margin Horizontal In mmNumeric

Horizontal margin in millimeters (mm). Default value is 0. If horizontal alignment is Left, it will give gap from left edge of page. If Right, it will give gap from right edge of page. If Center, this field is ignored.

Margin Vertical In mmNumeric

Vertical margin in millimeters (mm). Default value is 0. If vertical alignment is Top, it will give gap from top edge of page. If Bottom, it will give gap from bottom edge of page. If Middle, this field is ignored.


Values between 0 to 100. ‘0’ is entirely transparent—100 for full opacity.

PagesString, Required

Pages where image needs to be added. Possible values are including numbers ( 1,2,3 etc.) or text (first, last and all).

Height in mmNumeric

Image height in millimeters (mm). If 0, default height or aspect ratio sized height will be taken.

Width in mmNumeric

Image width in millimeters (mm). If 0, default width or aspect ratio sized width will be taken.


File ContentBinary

Output file content from PDF4me action

File NameString

Output file name from PDF4me action


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