Add Barcode to PDF
This action allows you to add a barcode to the document. It can be placed in a desired size and position with a given text. The barcode types allowed are QR Code, Code128, Datamatrix, Aztec, Hanxin, and Pdf417.

- PDF File contentbyte, Required
Map source PDF file content from the previous action
- PDF File Namestring, Required
Source PDF file name with .pdf extension
- Textstring, Required
The text to be generated as a barcode.
- Barcode Typestring , Required
Select the type of barcode to be added
- Pagesstring, Required
Specify the page numbers like 1,2 or ‘all’ for the whole PDF
- Align Horizontalstring, Required
Set the horizontal alignment of the Barcode
- Align Verticalstring
Set the vertical alignment of the Barcode
- Height in mmstring, Required
Height of the barcode in millimeters or ‘0’ for auto-detect.
- Width in mmstring, Required
Width of the Barcode in millimeters. ‘0’ for auto-detect.
- Margin Horizontal In mmstring, Required
Margin from left origin of the Barcode in millimeters
- Margin Vertical In mmstring, Required
Margin from the top origin of the Barcode in millimeters
- Opacityinteger, Required
Give a value between 0 to 100 where ‘0’ is completely transparent.
- File ContentBinary
File content of the compressed document
- File NameString
The file name of the output document