Convert Json To Excel
Convert Json To Excel.
- File ContentByte, Required
The content of the input file
- File NameString, Required
Name of the file
- First RowInteger
Row position from where it should start
- First Column
Column position from where it should start
- Worksheet NameString
Name of the new worksheet in excel. If empty, it will be set as Sheet1
- Convert Number and DataBoolean
Whether to convert number and date automatically
- Date FormatString
Format for date and time string. check for formats here -
- Number FormatString
Format for numbers. check for formats here -
- Ignore Null ValuesBoolean
Ignore Null Values in json property values
- Set title to boldBoolean
Set title to bold
- Wraps Title Text
Wraps title for longer text
Output file content from the PDF4me Connect
- File ContentBinary