Microsoft Power Automate

Split PDF

Connector ID: SplitDocument

Document splitting like extraction of pages may be useful for separating the documents into various portions. This feature of PDF4me is used for faster distribution of, possibly, the relevant information in parts of PDF documents

Split  PDF


File ContentBase64, Required

Map source PDF file content from the previous action

File Namestring, Required

Name of the file from the source

Split Actionstring, Required

Specify whether the document should be split into two or split recurringly. Allowed values are

  • Simple Split
  • Recurring Split
Split Action Valueinteger, Required

Enter the value based on the split action. The value is basically a page number. Default is 1.


splitedDocumentsarray of object

Splited documents array that contains documents list

File Namestring

Output file name from the split action

File ContentBinary

Output file content from the Split action


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