Generate Document (Single)
Dynamically Generate a document using the PDF4me Generate Document action for Power Automate. Use Word, HTML, or PDF templates using mustache syntax or merge fields as the source. The data sources can be JSON or XML. You need to loop the action and iterate the data for generating multiple documents.

- Template File TypeEnum, RequiredDefault: DOCX
Template file type.
- Word - Set this value when sending a Word template
- HTML - Set this value when sending an HTML template
- PDF - Set this value for a PDF template
- Template File NameString, Required
Name of the Template with the proper file extension
- Templare File DataBase64, Required
Map the Template file content
- Document Data TypeEnum, RequiredDefault: JSON
The data type for the template
- Document Data FileBase64, Required
Map the Data file for the Template
- Document Data TextString
It is required only if the Data file is not mapped. You can manually enter the Data for the template in JSON or XML format.
- File Meta DataString
Any additional Metadate for fields in JSON format
- Output TypeEnum, RequiredDefault: DOCX
The file format of the Generated Document
- Word
- Excel
- File ContentBinary
The Output file from the Generate Document action