
PDF to Excel

Excel spreadsheets are generated with no particular changes or distortion of data layout with this feature of PDF4me. Like the word converter, this PDF4me feature when used in Zapier along-side various other documentation activity, can help you create a simple zaps.


FileFile, Required

Map the file to be converted to Excel. The file should always be PDF. A URL containing a file can also be passed as a parameter.

File NameString

You can specify a file name. Otherwise name will be picked from File field. This field will be set as file name for output file.

Quality TypeOptions, Required
Default: Expert

Standard (draft)- Suitable for normal PDFs, consumes 1 API call per file
Expert (high) - Suitable for PDFs generated from Images and scanned documents. Consumes 2 API calls per page



Excel file converted from PDF

File NameString

File name without extension

Full File NameString

File Name with extension

File ExtensionString

File Extension. In this case, it will be always .xlsx