Add Page Number to PDF

Add page numbers to PDF in any format you like. You can also control the font size, position, format, etc using this action.


FileFile, Required

Map the PDF File where page numbers need to be added. The file should always be PDF. A URL containing a file can also be passed as a parameter.

File NameString, Required

You can specify a file name. Otherwise, the name will be picked from the File field. This field will be set as the file name for the output file.

Page number FormatOption

Page number format to be displayed

Horizontal AlignmentOption

Horizontal alignment of the page number. The allowed values are

  • Left - left edge of the page
  • Center - equal distance from the left and right edge of the page
  • Right - right edge of the page
Vertical AlignmentOption

Vertical alignment of the page number. The allowed values are

  • Top - the top edge of the page
  • Middle - equal distance from top and bottom edge of the page
  • Bottom - bottom edge of the page
Horizontal MarginNumber

Horizontal margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If the horizontal alignment is Left, it will give a gap from the left edge of the page. If Right, it will give a gap from the right edge of the page. If Center, this field is ignored.

Vertical MarginNumber

Vertical margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If the vertical alignment is Top, it will give a gap from the top edge of the page. If Bottom, it will give a gap from the bottom edge of the page. If Middle, this field is ignored.

Font SizeNumber

Font Size for the page numbering

Set Boldboolean

Choose to set Bold font for page numbering

Set Italicboolean

Set Italics for page numbering

Skip First Pageboolean

Skip numbering in the first page of the document



PDF file that contains image added

File NameString

File Name without extension

Full File NameString

File Name with extension

File ExtensionString

File extension

Add page number to PDf action in Zapier