Add Page Number to PDF
Add page numbers to PDF in any format you like. You can also control the font size, position, format, etc using this action.
- FileFile, Required
Map the PDF File where page numbers need to be added. The file should always be PDF. A URL containing a file can also be passed as a parameter.
- File NameString, Required
You can specify a file name. Otherwise, the name will be picked from the File field. This field will be set as the file name for the output file.
- Page number FormatOption
Page number format to be displayed
- Horizontal AlignmentOption
Horizontal alignment of the page number. The allowed values are
- Left - left edge of the page
- Center - equal distance from the left and right edge of the page
- Right - right edge of the page
- Vertical AlignmentOption
Vertical alignment of the page number. The allowed values are
- Top - the top edge of the page
- Middle - equal distance from top and bottom edge of the page
- Bottom - bottom edge of the page
- Horizontal MarginNumber
Horizontal margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If the horizontal alignment is Left, it will give a gap from the left edge of the page. If Right, it will give a gap from the right edge of the page. If Center, this field is ignored.
- Vertical MarginNumber
Vertical margin in millimeters (mm). The default value is 0. If the vertical alignment is Top, it will give a gap from the top edge of the page. If Bottom, it will give a gap from the bottom edge of the page. If Middle, this field is ignored.
- Font SizeNumber
Font Size for the page numbering
- Set Boldboolean
Choose to set Bold font for page numbering
- Set Italicboolean
Set Italics for page numbering
- Skip First Pageboolean
Skip numbering in the first page of the document
- FileURL
PDF file that contains image added
- File NameString
File Name without extension
- Full File NameString
File Name with extension
- File ExtensionString
File extension