Split by Barcode
Split PDFs containing barcodes by filtering using texts embedded in the barcodes. This feature is an important function especially where we need to extract contents based on a particular data encrypted in the barcodes.

- File NameString, Required
Source file name with proper file extension
- FileBinary, Required
PDF file to be split. The file uploaded should always be PDF
- Barcode DataString, Required
Text data in Barcode to filter & split
- Barcode FilterEnum, Required
Filter options for text in the barcode.
- Starts With
- Ends With
- Contains
- Exact
- Barcode TypeEnum
Choose the type of Barcode.
- Any
- Data Matrix
- QR Code
- Split PageEnum, Required
Choose the way split should occur.
- Before
- After
- Remove.
- Document > DocDataByte[]
Output file content from PDF4me action
- Document > NameString
Output file name from PDF4me action