My Docs

The perfect document storage between different devices, PDF4me tools and automation.

Keep your files longer

My Docs from PDF4me lets you safely store your documents and images longer without any time constraints. You will also be able to store back files processed using the tools or Workflows in your My Docs storage with future versions of the feature.

Your data is in the safest servers

PDF4me makes sure your files and data are placed in the safest servers on the Globe. By default, all data you upload to My Docs are stored to our servers in Europe (Geo-redundant). Furthermore, your data is protected with superlative AES-256 (FIPS-2 compliant cipher) encryption.

More reasons to choose our Storage

All documents and data send and processed through PDF4me are by strictly following the best measures to ensure data security and privacy including GDPR compliances. We know your data is valuable and it’s our mission to protect it.